Unity of the Text of the Qurān

Written By Dinda Revolusi on Kamis, 07 April 2011 | 18.13

As a subject of study, the unity of the qurānic text assumes special importance because the Qurān does not always seem to deal with its themes in what most readers would call a systematic manner (see form and structure of the qurān).  Western scholars...
18.13 | 0 komentar | Read More

The Structural Formulation of the Asha’rite Dogma

The entry to the formulation of the Ash’arite system relies principally in understanding the Ash’arite perception of the concept of the relationship between the three circles of existence, namely God, man and the world.  The differences between...
17.47 | 0 komentar | Read More

The Ash’arite Dogma: The Root of the Arab/Muslim Absolutism

Absolutism is the real substance of the Arab (or perhaps Muslim) politics in the modern era.  It is the very root that feeds all despotic and authoritarian practices, which prevail in the political domains of the Arabs and Muslims.  The serious...
17.41 | 0 komentar | Read More

Towards an Objective Measure of Gharar in Exchange

Written By Dinda Revolusi on Rabu, 06 April 2011 | 18.15

Although the legal aspects of gharar are well established in Islamic jurisprudence, researchers in Islamic finance constantly face the dilemma of defining the concept and its precise meaning. For example, Zaki Badawi (1998, p. 16) writes: “The precise...
18.15 | 0 komentar | Read More

Monetary Management in an Islamic Economy Muhammad Umer Chapra

The monetary system that prevails in the world now has-come-into-existence-after passing.through several-stages-of evolution. The monetary system that prevailed during the Prophet’s (pbuh) days was essentially a bimetallic standard with gold and silver...
18.04 | 0 komentar | Read More